Real World Economics - Workshop zur Umgestaltung unserer Wirtschaft

Samstag, 1. November 2014 - 9:30 bis Sonntag, 2. November 2014 - 17:00
Organisiert von: 
Transition Initiative Bonn-im-Wandel und Ermekeilinitiative Bonn

Wie kann man den Wandel in der Wirtschaft ganz praktisch voran bringen, welche Strategien haben sich bewährt, welche Fähigkeiten braucht man? Jay Tompt und Inez Aponte vermitteln im Real World Economics Workshop Konzepte, Strategien und viele praktische Methoden und Werkzeuge für die Gestaltung einer neuen Wirtschaft vor Ort! Der Workshop basiert auf dem Werte-und Bedürfnismodell von Manfred Max-Neef und den Erfahrungen des internationalen REconomy-Projekts, ein Strategieplan zur RE-lokalisierung der Wirtschaft, das in der Transition Town Totnes vor drei Jahren begann!

Calling all activists, community organizers, and social entrepreneurs: Its time to weave together a new social reality in alignment with our values, and to create an economic system that benefits us all. A system fit for the real world.

Based on the Human Scale Development framework of economist Manfred MaxNeef, one of the forefathers of the current wave of new economic thinking, this workshop offers the chance to come together and dive deeply into the challenges we are facing and gain a new perspective on what is possible. It includes practical tools to engage your community, thought provoking presentations, group discussions and fun interactive exercises that will equip you to be an effective changemaker in your community.
In this workshop, youll learn:

  • Models that integrate economics, ecology, and wellbeing
  • How concepts like reciprocity and relocalisation fit into a new economic paradigm
  • How to incorporate the concept of Fundamental Human Needs into project design
  • A range of practical tools for catalyzing local innovation and enterprise

Workshop leaders Inez Aponte and Jay Tompt are based in Totnes, and deeply involved in a number of economic regeneration projects with Transition Town Totnes and other community groups.

Workshop auf Englisch/Workshop in English

We look forward to seeing you!
